Here you will find news and special offers that may be available as well as lots of beautiful pictures of animals I have groomed. All pictures will be shown with owners permission.

Wednesday 12 October 2011


Here are some pictures of a female Bichon before and after grooming at Warbreck house. She has quite a wavy coat for a bichon and it is alittle softer so her coat looks slightly different to some other Bichons I have groomed. She is a sweet dog and its always lovely to see a white dog just groomed. Her owners also use one of my treatments for tear staining and as you can see from the pictures it seems to be working a treat.

If you are wanting to know what this treatment is that actually works, stay tunned and more will be revealed in a future post.

Points to watch with a Bichon: ears, they can get ear infections more often due to hair in the ear canal, hair should be plucked out with each groom. Tear staining due to the white coat this can show up more obviously, treatments are available that work to help reduce this.

Annie before groom:

After Grooming:

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